Vaccine Video/Story of the Week Archive

Vaccine Video/Story of the Week


Dec. 15, 2018: The American Cancer Society produced the video HPV Survivor Stories. Follow this link to see it.

Dec. 2, 2018: Measles is one of the most contagious viruses on earth with infants and those with weakened immune systems at highest risk. Follow this link to see a 90-second explanation from Bloomberg Business.

Nov. 18, 2018: Follow this link to see a video about Sarah Walton, who caught measles when she was 11 months old and at the time recovered well. Twenty years later Sarah was diagnosed with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, a viral infection that is a complication of measles which leads to a progressive destruction of the central nervous system.

Nov. 4, 2018: Follow this link to hear Amy Parker give us her take on growing up unvaccinated and the importance of disease prevention.

Oct. 21, 2018: Follow this link to hear Laci Green lay down some truth about HPV. (Caution: F-bomb dropped… ear muffs!)

Oct. 7, 2018: Follow this link to see Families Fighting Flu’s Story of Joey Holt.

Sept. 24, 2018: Follow this link to see PBS’ Immunity and Vaccines Explained.