How vaccines work… and other stuff

Tweet showing lack of vaccine understanding

When I first saw this tweet, the snarky, judge-y part of me spoke up. “Well, duh. This is EXACTLY what vaccines do!” But I had to check myself, because judging and snark rarely, if ever, further understanding. I have assumed (and you know what that does) that your average Joe or Jane knows how vaccines … Read more

Blowing the whistle on anti-vax false claims – Part 3

Common anti-vax tropes

Welcome to Part 3 of “Blowing the whistle on anti-vax false claims” – our final installment (for Parts 1 and 2, see here and here). If you’re like me, you’re tired of seeing these same old anti-vaccine signs show up at events around the country. I wish that I could bring my own signs with … Read more

The perfect comeback: a vaccine story

The counter argument

You know how you beat yourself up about not having the perfect comeback to someone who has just criticized or insulted you? How you then hyper-focus on what you would have said but by the time you come up with something that would blow the other person’s socks off, the moment has passed? Well, this … Read more

Blowing the whistle on anti-vax false claims – Part 2

Common anti-vax tropes

Well, hello again! So glad to see you back. Today we are continuing to tackle the misleading information that is seen on the signs in the photo above. Because of the volume of nonsense seen in this photo, I’ve had to split this blogpost into several different parts. Welcome to Part 2 of “Blowing the … Read more

Blowing the whistle on anti-vax false claims – Part 1

Common anti-vax tropes

This photo is taken from a gathering outside one of our recent local sporting events. These signs contain so much misinformation that I have to call “Foul!” Because of the sheer volume of hooey that needs debunking, this blogpost will be split into multiple parts. We will look at each message and address each claim. … Read more

Vaccine Medical Exemptions 101

Certificate of Medical Exemption

In response to the growing anti-vaccination trend, several states now limit personal and/or religious exemptions to vaccinations that are required for school entry. This leaves some parents desperately seeking medical exemptions in order allow their non-vaccinated children to continue to attend schools or daycares. And some medical providers are willing to comply… for a fee … Read more

Vaccine Data: Do the Math


Have you ever had a discussion with your child about why they need to be able to do math when “Nowadays we have technology and everyone just uses a calculator”? I mean (eye roll and sigh)… Who is this “everyone”, anyways? Kids are great at making you feel out of the loop and old at … Read more

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words: #ShowUsYourShot

What if… Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, what if we saw more pictures on-line of children and families willingly being vaccinated? What if the first image that came to mind when thinking about vaccination was happy, strong, healthy children protecting themselves and their communities – not children screaming and being forcibly restrained? What … Read more

Should doctors dismiss patients for not vaccinating?


If ever there was a hot button issue in medicine, dismissal of patients for not vaccinating is it. I fully expect to generate some heated debate with this blogpost. This is a highly controversial topic for those of us providing vaccines and caring for high risk patients. Both sides have valid arguments and, I’m sorry, … Read more