The care and feeding of your teenager – a family doctor’s perspective

I am the mother of two amazing boys, ages 15 and 12. Well…sometimes I want to sell them to the gypsies and would offer a very reasonable price. But, mostly they’re amazing. I am also a family doctor. That means I take care of people through all ages and stages of life, including adolescence. So, … Read more

Vote “yes” for the health of our children

Dear Legislators, My name is Gretchen LaSalle and I am a family physician in Spokane, Washington. I am unable to attend the hearing on House Bill 1638 in person but wanted to express my strong support. While you may not see as many white coats outside of your chambers as you do people gathering to … Read more

How to Talk to Your Doctor about Your Vaccine Concerns

As a family physician caring for children and adults alike, I have the frequent occasion to discuss vaccines with my patients. It is common these days for parents and patients to have questions about vaccines. With the ease of access to information on the internet and social media, many people are turning to the web … Read more