COVID19: fighting our fight or flight response

Scrabble tiles fear

The process by which we make decisions is suffused with emotion. We can’t escape it. We are genetically programmed to behave in an emotional, instinctive manner. It is what helped us survive as a species. When our early human ancestors were confronted with a threat, say a charging lion, they didn’t stop to contemplate the … Read more

Traveling this summer? Schedule your travel consult

I, like many people, will be traveling this summer – Europe, here I come! This is our second jaunt abroad with Disney Adventures (they are awesome and, no, they did not pay me to say this). But, unlike the prior trip, this time around I am having to make sure that my family is all … Read more

Shingles 101

As a family physician, I not only have the pleasure of discussing vaccines with my parents of young children and teens but I also get to walk my adult patients through their ongoing need for immunizations as well. Almost all adults need the following (check with your primary provider for individualized recommendations): a yearly flu … Read more

The care and feeding of your teenager – a family doctor’s perspective

I am the mother of two amazing boys, ages 15 and 12. Well…sometimes I want to sell them to the gypsies and would offer a very reasonable price. But, mostly they’re amazing. I am also a family doctor. That means I take care of people through all ages and stages of life, including adolescence. So, … Read more

Keeping Measles from “Going Viral”

The Clark County measles outbreak (in and around Vancouver, WA) is still going! The most recent case was confirmed on Tuesday, March 13. This brings the grand total thus far to 72 infected individuals. Of these, the majority are under 10 years of age with only 4 cases being over the age of 18. 63 … Read more

Vote “yes” for the health of our children

Dear Legislators, My name is Gretchen LaSalle and I am a family physician in Spokane, Washington. I am unable to attend the hearing on House Bill 1638 in person but wanted to express my strong support. While you may not see as many white coats outside of your chambers as you do people gathering to … Read more