Summary of Research: Studies show that primary reason for the measles outbreak, affecting several European countries, is the decline in vaccination coverage, for which mainly the ‘spread of anti-scientific theories’ can be blamed. However, a new study shows that cuts in public health expenditure also play an important role, with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage decreasing 0.5 percentage points for each 1 percent expenditure cut.
Herd Immunity: It’s all up to you and it’s the right thing to do
Anyone who is able to save a life, but fails to do so, violates ‘You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor’. ~ Maimonides (Jewish physician and philosopher, born 1135) Maimonides implored us, as do religious and philosophical leaders of most of the world’s religions, to care for each other. We are … Read more