COVID19: fighting our fight or flight response

Scrabble tiles fear

The process by which we make decisions is suffused with emotion. We can’t escape it. We are genetically programmed to behave in an emotional, instinctive manner. It is what helped us survive as a species. When our early human ancestors were confronted with a threat, say a charging lion, they didn’t stop to contemplate the … Read more

What does “social distancing” really mean?

Social distancing

Recently, it occurred to me that “social distancing” may be too nebulous of a term. Mostly it occurred to me because my friend Janelle told me it was too nebulous. So, I guess it occurred to Janelle. But then it occurred to me that she is absolutely right! So, there you go. Obviously, some people … Read more

It’s a COVID-19 world now. Is this our new normal?

Man with mask

All 50 states are reporting cases of the novel Coronavirus. It’s a COVID-19 world now. Is this our new normal? More people are getting tested (though still not enough). The numbers of cases of COVID-19 are surging, and so are deaths from this frightening illness. Every day we read some new headline about risk factors, … Read more

Coronavirus Pandemic – YOUR actions matter

Pandemic - Earth with mask

Well, a great deal has happened since last I wrote. The World Health Organization upgraded the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection status to Pandemic. In Spokane, we now have identified our first 3 cases of COVID-19. Across Washington state (and in many other districts across the country), schools are closed for the next 6 weeks. Colleges are … Read more