Anti-vaccine tactics – how they’ll try and hook you

Fishing pole

As the world races to find a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 so that we can return to normal life (whatever that new normal will be), you can bet your you-know-what that the anti-vaxxers are going to come out of the woodwork. In fact, they already have. Many have joined forces with the “COVID19 hoax” gang and … Read more

COVID19: fighting our fight or flight response

Scrabble tiles fear

The process by which we make decisions is suffused with emotion. We can’t escape it. We are genetically programmed to behave in an emotional, instinctive manner. It is what helped us survive as a species. When our early human ancestors were confronted with a threat, say a charging lion, they didn’t stop to contemplate the … Read more

Vaccine Data: Do the Math


Have you ever had a discussion with your child about why they need to be able to do math when “Nowadays we have technology and everyone just uses a calculator”? I mean (eye roll and sigh)… Who is this “everyone”, anyways? Kids are great at making you feel out of the loop and old at … Read more